How to make a dollar out of 15 cents

How To Make A Dollar Out of 15 Cents

How to make a dollar out of 15 cents is a line from one of Tupac’s songs. Moreover, like all the songs, there is a lot that can one take from it. That is why today we are discussing a few ways that we can make a dollar out of 15 cents. However, since we are in Mzansi it should say how to R100 out of R5.

How to make a dollar out of 15 cents: meaning

Before we tell how to make this dollar, we want to start by interpreting what the statement means. That is according to Punt Casino of cause as the statement is open to many different interpretations. For us, however, want to take it as meaning how to make the best out of the little that you have.
How To Make A Dollar Out of 15 Cents

Tips on how to make the best out of nothing

Learn to say no

Sometimes the best thing that we can do for ourselves is to learn to say no. for most of the real reason why we end up with nothing is that we can’t say no. there is a philosopher who said its okay to say no. just as it is okay to love ourselves. To keep a little something for yourself is no crime at all.

Wants and Needs

The best way to make the best out of what you have is to know the difference between wants and needs. By so doing you can easily get your life on track. Know the difference between wants and needs is the best way to unlock your happiness.

Reward Yourself

Even though you do not have much, it is okay to reward yourself. You are a fighter and even you deserve a break. Take a few minutes off an enjoy a few online casino games. You never know, you may just win the jackpot.


Live each day as it comes. As you do so appreciate all that you have, that way you can the best of every moment. By enjoying the best of every moment, you are indirectly making a dollar out of 15 cents.