Award Winning Celebrity Baby Names

award winning baby names

Celebrities love attention, that’s a fact. It is very hard to be a celebrity without having to seek out attention. For some stars, in order to get attention,  they give their children the oddest and weirdest names.

Award Winning Names

If there was an award for the oddest and weirdest names, we are sure that these would make it top of the nominee’s list.


For the love of fruits? Maybe so. Or maybe this baby was the apple of her parent’s eye. Who knows, anyways Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin called their daughter Apple.


Allow us to give the full name, Audio Science Clayton. He is 15 years old this old. What we do not know is why his mother called him Audio, but who are we award winning baby namesto judge Shaynn Sossamon.


Sometimes we wonder… Anyways, celebrities Busy Phillips and Marc Silverstein decided to name their daughter Cricket. In an attempt to redeem the weird first name, her second name is Pearl. Not so bad, don’t you think?


Toni Braxton and Keri Lewis decided to name their first born son Denim. He was born in 2001, a few years before the couple split up. We are sure that by now Denim must love jeans.

Odd Online Slot Game Names

By now we are sure that you get what we mean by odd names. We are not sure if there are any South Africans out there who also give their children interesting names. But we do know that are a few interesting online slot game names. Like Santastic, the game is quite amusing to play though. It has a great Christmas theme and the graphics and the symbols are just amazing. Fruit Bowl XXV, odd name yes, but the game, on the other hand, is very entertaining. Witches Brew, sounds like the name of a horror movie. We can, however, assure you that the only horror you will experience is by not playing this game.