Welcome to November at Punt Casino 2018

Welcome to November 2018 a month in which your dreams can come true as you win real money on the top progressive slots at Punt Casino. The month has a full calendar, therefore you know that fun is around every other corner. And best of all you know your online gambling desires are all catered for. Even if you are travelling to Nelspruit from Pretoria you can even enjoy the best mobile casino games on the go.

Hunting For That Jackpot

Probably, the first people to coin the term “hunting for that jackpot” had appreciated what it really is, a hunt. Whenever you go out with the intention to catch another you have to be prepaid. The reason for this is very simple, the prey will always run away. Being elusive is another thing that this sport shares with real money gambling. But, at heart, all gamblers know that the more elusive a jackpot is, the higher the payout. This is fuel enough to get us to place yet another gamble. For the majority of us, it is the smaller wins that encourage us on.
And just like the hunt, you get to chase the ever-growing progressive jackpots.

South Africa Welcome to November

Picture of Welcome to November posterAs the top online casino in South Africa, our arms always open wide. We not only welcome you wholeheartedly but with real money too. How much can you expect, well if you reading down here and you did not see the generous the welcome bonus, this is another opportunity. It is all in the header. Enjoy the Gambling Month at Punt Casino.

Taking the Good and Ignore the Bad

To take the good and to leave the bad is a little advice that we as Mzansi’s Leading Online Casino give to all our loyal players. We do this because we know that people suck at giving out advice. And no matter how much they try to make their compliments sound like compliments they all end up sounding like insults instead. That’s why today we are focusing on taking in all the good and leaving out the bad.

picture of the good and the badSeek The Positivity

To seek out the positivity is basically what we are saying when we are telling you to take the good and leave the bad. Its okay for people to give you advice every now and again, but just make to sift what they say. You have to sift because some people are just toxic and what they might give as advise might actually be something to kill you instead of build you up.

How they Try…?

People will often try to give out advice but it just comes out wrong. Like it will all be going till the person adds a “but”. Or they can actually give you a very positive compliment then after that they just conclude their statement on such a negative note. It’s like watching a movie then the tragedy strikes, and at least with movies you can skip the part, part with life, you have to live through it.

What to do?

We can’t tell you to cut out such people from your life, but we can tell you to ignore them.  just sift like we said earlier and take that which you think can help you and ignore the rest. That’s the only humanly possible thing that you can do. And well, after all, is said and done it’s not like those people can reel in the winning combination for winning the jackpot anyway. So …..

How to Beat Deadlines, A Gambler's Guide

For those who work or are running a project, we all know how hard it is to beat a deadline. This is because so many things happen that are unplanned for. And well, the boss or the client will still want their work regardless of what happens. Because no one really takes kindly to excuses. So allow us to give you a few tips on how you can beat deadlines.

picture showing deadlineTips on How to Meet and Beat Deadlines

  1. Attitude: The attitude that you have on your deadlines will greatly impact whether you meet or you don’t. This means that you have to take your deadlines seriously and make sure that its top priority. The attitude that you have towards the deadline has to be very serious.
  2. Be reasonable: We know that at times you want to impress the client and all that, but that might cost you. Give them a time that you know you will have a task This makes your life way better and you won’t be worried each time you hear your phone ringing.
  3. Communicate: Make sure that you clearly articulate the time that you have completed the task that you have been given. This makes all that you do transparent and you and the client or boss are on the same page.
  4. Avoid Procrastination: Better start on a given task sooner rather than later. This way you know exactly what you are dealing with. Don’t leave the task to a week or a few days before its dues. Because if you do you will find that the task is a bit more challenging than you thought it was, and you will have to make excuses.
  5. Manage: You should be able to manage all your given tasks. In most cases, you will deal with more than one task at a time, so just manage all your tasks according to priority and importance.