How to Take Care of Your Face

Having a face that is as smooth as a baby’s bum is every girl’s dream. Your face is always that one element you want to be looking on “fleek.” We would like to call the face the main dish and everything else that is the shoes, accessories the accompaniments.
Do not stress yourself buying harsh chemicals that will probably not work on you. Rather there are just a few habits you have to leave behind and a few others you have to adapt. And with that, you are guaranteed to have banging skin.

The image shows a lady doing a facial routine
Take care of your face

Skincare routine

Have a routine that you stick to. It is more like being on a diet. You have to put in the work for you to see the results. With this routine, you have to stay loyal to and be consistent. The reason being that the first time it might seem as if your face is getting worse. What is called a breakout, that is normal your face will adapt and get used. This is the reason why you should stick to it. Changing routine this will only confuse your skin.

Do not touch your face

Keep your hands far away from your face. People are in the habit of resting their face on their hands. And now it is time to know that hands contain oils that will clog your pores. So make sure that your hands touch everything else but not that face.

Leave the pimples alone!

Pimples are not the most appealing things to look at. But they can get really messy and even more disturbing if you temper with them. The routine that you will be doing will take care of those stubborn babies and in no time you will see the face clearing up.

Drink water

Your face really can’t keep a secret if you ask us. Everything that you take in it will report. Try eating sweets and fatty foods then you will get a red light of pimples and oily skin. But do try taking in a lot of water and see the transformation that will happen to your face.
Now that your face is looking awesome, back to some real money gaming at Punt Casino.

Life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade…

Sometimes it may be hard to pull through after having faced trying situations that literally left you mopping the floor with your tears. But hey, that’s life, there isn’t much we can do but make the best with what we have. That’s why when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

How to make Lemonade?

You will notice that lemonade tastes amazing regardless of the lemons that you use. This is the same with life, you have to make do with what you have. And we as Mzansi’s leading online casino have the best recipe for that. And we are more than willing to share it with you.

  1. Add a dash of Positivity: In every situation that you have face, you always have to remain positive. We mean if you can still play online casino games after having lost a few times, why not carry on after having been knocked down by life one or two times?
    When Life gives you lemons, make lemonade
  2. Pinch of Hope: Hope is one thing that kills us as humans and at the same time it builds. Just be hopeful, it will work out in the end. And if it hasn’t worked out yet, then it’s not the end.
  3. A teaspoon of Faith: You have to keep on going even though its hard. Take a leap of faith, and you will be just fine.
  4. Cup of laughter: Laughter is the best medicine, and it’s contagious too. So just make sure to get a few laughs even when it seems like you can’t. You will find that you can find joy in the oddest places.
  5. An ounce of Love: To get the best out of your lemonade, add a little love. You will be shocked at how great it will taste with just an ounce of love.
  6. Let it all cool down with Patience: To get the most tantalizing taste of lemonade ever, just make sure to let it all chill a bit with patience.

We have shared our lemonade recipe, we just hope that you will love the taste as much as we did.

How to be a Millionaire

The fastest way to be a millionaire is to play online casino at Punt Casino and win the jackpot. This is because the jackpot is more than R64 million. However, since that does not happen very often allow us to give you a few steps that you can follow to be a millionaire.

Quick Steps to be a Millionaire

Have a financial plan

The first step to being a millionaire is having a financial plan. That way you will know how much you want to use and how much you want to save up.

Save, Save and Save Again

The second step to making millions is to save money. You cannot be a millionaire if you are out spending money.

How to be a Millionaire sign post
Be a Millionaire

Stay Away from Credits

We know that times are tough and it is so tempting to ask for a loan from family and friends. However, if you want to be worth a million Rands, you have to lay off the loans for a little while.


If you want to have millions, you also have to invest. However, before you invest make sure that you do your research. When will the investment pay off and is it a safe investment?

Be a Risk Taker

One of the rules of entrepreneurship is high risk, high return. As a result, if you want to be a millionaire you have to start your own business. Do not be afraid to take risks, but always have a fallout plan if they do not work out.

Read and Research

You are not the first to have the dream of having a million bucks, so read and see how other people did it. Besides, as you read you will see strategies others used and you will see the mistakes that other made.

Be Patient

The final step to be a millionaire is to be patient; Rome was not built in a day. Do not rush anything just be patient.