What Next for Jose Mourinho?

Flames to dust, lovers to friends, why do all good things end?  We are sure that some of the Manchester United fans shared these sentiments after Jose Mourinho was sacked on Tuesday. After 2 years in service, there were a few picks and valleys. However, in the end, Man U just had to let him go. The question now is what next for Jose Mourinho?

Jose Mourinho Career

Throughout his career, he managed several other teams. In 2000, he was the manager of Benfica. This lasted for a year in and 2001 he managed Uniao de Liaera, a Portuguese football club. This was from 2001 to 2002. From 2002 to 2004, he the managed Porto another Portuguese based team. He then turned to the English Premier League where he managed Chelsea from 2004 to 2007. After that, from 2008 to 2010, he graced Inter Milan with his skills. Moving on to Real Madrid from 2010 to 2013. From 2013 to 2015, he returned to the EPL where he managed Chelsea. He then went on to manage Manchester United from 2016 until he was sacked a few days ago.

What Next?Pic of Jose Mourinho

All the soccer fans are now wondering where the star manager will go to now. He was let go due to his terrible start of the 3rd season. The rumor mill has it that he will return to manage Real Madrid with immediate effect. Real Madrid has already opened talked with Mourinho. It is believed that since Cristiano Ronaldo has left the team for Juventus, Mourinho’s job will be much easier. We are however not sure if this is true or not. We like the rest of the world will have to see what will follow for the start manager. Until then, we just have to be patient while we enjoy our online casino games at Punt Casino. At least we know that no sacking can take place there.

Celebrating The Day of Reconciliation

There is nothing better than a holiday that falls in the middle of a holiday. To add on to that, on a Sunday meaning that it extends to Monday. That is just the best that there is. We are talking about the Day of Reconciliation.

Celebrating The Day of Reconciliation
Day of Reconciliation

The Story Behind the Day of Reconciliation

Since we know that all of Mzansi is enjoying the holiday, allow us to give a bit of history. We cannot have people relaxed and celebrating a holiday that they have no idea of how it came to be, now can we? As soon as we are done, we promise that we will let you go back to enjoying your holiday and your online casino games at Punt Casino.

Battle of Blood River

This battle took place on December 16, 1838. It was between the Voortrekkers and Zulus. The Voortrekkers moved to the interior of South Africa during the Great Trek. As a result, they were eager to settle on the land. The land had, however, had been inhabited by the Zulu people.
Piet Retief, the Voortrekkers leader wanted to negotiate with the Zulu Chief, Dingane. However, the Zulu chief misunderstood his intentions. This in resulted in Dingane ambushing Retief and killing him. Naturally, such was act was not taken lightly and it, in turn, sparked the Battle of Blood River. In this battle, 470 Voortrekkers defeated the Zulu army of 10 000 men as they had the advantage of gunpowder. The Day of the Vow is the name given to the Voortrekkers victory.

Umkhonto we Sizwe and Apartheid

In 1961 December 16, Umkhonto we Sizwe was formed, this was a military wing on the ANC. Its mandate was to wage an armed struggle against the apartheid government. Umkhonto we Sizwe performed mostly acts of sabotage. However, in 1963 the leaders were arrested. Despite this, the formation of the group has been commemorated since then.

The Day of Reconciliation

The Day of Reconciliation came to be on the 16th of December 1995. The date was chosen because of the Battle of the Blood River and the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe. The day was formed to symbolize reconciliation and national unity in South Africa.

What makes a Good Person?

It’s about to be the end of the year and a little self-introspection never killed anyone. That is why today, we have a question for you, are you a good person. If you do not know, we have the perfect checklist to help you see if you are a good person or not.

are you a good person
Good Person

Are you a Good Person?

There is so much that makes a good person. We will look at the major characteristics that are attributed to good people. If you are part of those good people, do stay good, we need more good people in the world.
Honest: To be termed as a person who is good, one has to be honest in all that they do. Be it in their relationships or in their finances. They will make sure transparency is something that is in their bloodline.
Compliment: These days it is so hard to get a compliment from anyone. We are so busy minding our own business. A good person, will, however, make sure to dish out the compliments where they are deserved.
Polite: They know the basics, Good Morning, Excuse me. A good person knows their manners and does not hesitate to use them.
Do More: A good person will always do more than is expected of them. We guess that is why they are so few of them in the world.
Optimists: Things may be hard in the world, but a good person will always see the silver lining in every cloud. They will always make the best and see the best in every moment that they face, no matter how dire it may seem.
Appreciate: They will always remember to say thank you and appreciate everything that comes their way.
They play at Punt Casino: To be considered as a truly good person you need to love playing online casino games at South Africa’s leading online casino. Just jokes, but it would do you a bit of good don’t you think so?