2018, Lights Out People To An Eventful Year

It’s about to be Lights Out, People. The year is now taking its last breath. 2018, is finally about to walk out of our lives forever. As it does, let’s look back to a few that made this year hilarious.

2018 Highlights

Zuma Resigns

The year began with an unexpected turn out of events as the former president Jacob Zuma resigned. This was in February. We should have seen at that time, that the year would be exciting. In addition, it surely was.

Polony tried to kill us

2018 has been one exciting year. To think in March this year polony tried to kill us. The listeriosis outbreak took us all by surprise. We have no idea why our dear tasty polony would want to do that to us. We mean polony has been there since day one and in 2018 kit just tried to end us all.

Picture of black panther posterBlack Panther wave

It was crazy this year when Black Panther was released. We think that of the movies this one got the most hype. Not only in Mzansi but also all over the world. The movie was released in May and it is still trending.  What we liked the most was that the movie managed to bring out a completely new side to Africa. In addition, yes, we heard Wololo in one of the scenes of the movie.

The World Cup

We can’t forget about the FIFA World Cup that as held this year. However, it does feel like it was so long ago. The World Cup was another event that had people with so many mixed feelings. There was first the excitement that five African Countries had qualified, but they were knocked out. Then there was that goal by Cristiano Ronaldo. In addition, let’s not forget that the final had Croatia and Brazil. A most unexpected turnout of events.

Wrap Up

It is a wrap ladies and gentleman. We will see you all next year.

Online Gambling Trends to look for in 2019

As the year ends, we want to know what we can hope to look forward in the coming year. We have this love-hate relationship with change. Sometimes we love it and most times, we cannot stand. However, when it comes with new and exciting online casino gambling trends, we cannot help but love it.

Gambling Trends for 2019

Live Dealeran over exaggerated picture of online casino trends

In 2019, we are expected to be getting more of the live dealer action. When we say live dealer we a mean a mixture of land-based casinos and online casinos. Where you can get that live dealer action but from the comfort of your home. How cool is that?  Table games are the majority of games that we can enjoy some live dealer action within 2019. Which means to say that if you want to be part of a trendsetter in the coming year, you had better start learning the likes of online baccarat.


When we talk of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin are the first that come into mind. There are however several other cryptocurrencies in the world. Anyways, as 2019 draws closer we are sure that the rest of the online currencies will be incorporated into the web-based casino games. Besides, since they are a currency that operates online, it would great to get more of them. Just in case you did not know, with cryptocurrencies, your transactions are faster and safer.


We know that you have heard about smartphones and smart TV’s. In 2019, we are going with smartwatches. In addition, we know that you already have them but have you been to play online casino from them? We did not think so. You can be geared for a major shift as 2019 promises that we will be able to our online casino games from our smartwatches. We are not sure about you, but we know that we can’t wait to see what else we can do.

2019 Smartphones Trends to keep on Eye On

We all know that time waits for no man, well the same goes for technology. There is so much that changes in the world of technology. That is why today, we will cover the 2019 smartphones trends. That way you know which device to get and which device not to get.

Smartphone Trends

Foldable PhonesPicture with 2 foldable phones

In 2019 be on the lookout for foldable phones. Some of the major leading developers who are set to release these foldable phones include Samsung; Apple; Huawei; LG and Motorola. The first we are all accustomed to, but when was the last time you saw a Motorola. Anyways, since we know that they are set to release foldable phones we cannot wait to see how well they fare with us playing online casino games on them.


While most of us are stuck between 3G and 4G, 5G is coming soon. This smartphone trend will bring with it faster speeds and better coverage with ultra-low latencies. As we said, we place our benchmark on how well we can play online casino games on them. Therefore, if the faster speeds mean faster loading time for the games, we are totally behind them.


Apart from the love of online casino games, we love our cameras. It seems as though 2019 heard our plea, as the multi-camera phone will set the trend for the year. We know that we had dual cameras, but a little more will not kill us, that is more ways to capture moments. The Nokia 9 will gladly host 5 cameras for us to enjoy. We cannot wait to play with them all.

Other Smartphones to Watch For

These are not the only smartphones trends that will rock 2019. There is expected to be the punch whole display; in-display fingerprint sensor; TOF 3D cameras; dual display phones to mention but a few. These are the trends that we know about, imagine the hidden surprises.