A Few Fun Facts About Human Life

The one thing that is amazing about life is the way that we do things. That is the manner in which we do things can easily be calculated. Moreover, when the numbers add up, the result is both alarming as well as funny. That is why today we took a look at some fun facts about human life.

Fun Facts about Human Life

If you thought that you yawned a lot, then you haven’t even started. This is because the average human will yawn approximately 250 000 times in the course of their life. With that being said, you still have many yawns to go.
Do you ever wonder why people always say that you are glowing? Well, that is because the human skin will completely replace itself 900 times a year. No wonder we have days that we are totally glowing and days when we look like completely different people altogether.
We are so attached to our mobile phones. So much such that a study indicates that, the average human being will spend at least 5 months of their life on their phone. That is longer than some relationships that people have in their lives.

interesting fact about human life
Facts About Human Life

If you a fan of being alone, we think that, you had better try to change that. Why? This is because it is said that people with many friends live 3.7 years longer than those that are isolated. Apparently being around your friends is good for you.
Since we are about to enter into the month of love, we thought that this would be a nice fun fact. Apparently, the average person spends about 2 weeks of their life kissing. Doesn’t sound like a lot of time, does it?
An average man will in his life spend at least 6 months shaving. That is a lot of time for one man to spend shaving.
If you thought that the time women take to get dressed was long, it is not even the half of it. That is because an average woman will spend at least a year of her life deciding on what to wear.

How to Succeed at Online Casino Gambling

As much as we love playing online casino games, there are days when we dream of succeeding at online casino gambling. That is why today, as S.A leading online casino, we give you the complete guide on how to succeed at online casino gambling.

Choose your Game

The best way that one make sure that they succeed at online casino gambling is by choosing a game. Unlike school where you have several subjects at once when you gamble you set your pace. Therefore, if you want to succeed at gambling, you have to select the game that you want to excel at. Even the major casino gambling stars excel in one or two gambling games.

Define Your Own Success

To succeed differs from person to person. Therefore, for you to have able to succeed at gambling you need to have a set definition of success. This has to be your own definition, not the one that some else sets for you. By so doing, you are able to reach that level of gambling success.

Have a strategy

Even though you want to succeed at online casino gambling, you need to have a gambling plan. Furthermore, this strategy needs to factor in time management. This is because, despite the fact that you want to succeed at gambling, you also have other priorities as well as responsibilities.

Guide on how to succeed at online casino gambling
Succeed at Online Casino Gambling

Bankroll Management

One cannot stress this point enough as it crucial to managing your bankroll. Being a successful gambler does not happen in one bet. As a result, it very critical for a player to be able to manage their funds. Even as you gamble, always bear in mind to never gamble that which you cannot afford to lose.

Be Patient

Another thing that one has to do if they want to succeed at online casino gambling is to have patience. This is because success does not come in a day. Therefore, one has to be a patient as all good things take time.

Celebs You Didn’t Know Where From Africa

There are some whom when you look at you think which country are they from? While there are others who just assume are from anywhere else but not Africa. Today however we want to zone in on a few famous celebs from Africa.

Celebs from Africa

Dave Matthews

The American based singer and songwriter Dave Matthews was actually born in Johannesburg. When he was two, the family moved to the United States. To be more specific, Westchester County, New York. They lived there until his father died and the family returned to S.A. Matthews then graduated from St. Stithians College. Having graduated, he stayed in Mzansi for a whole before mobbing to Virginia where his music career started.

Embeth Davidtz

Embeth Davidtz african celeb

The talented actress Embeth is best known for her roles in Schindlers List, The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo and Bicentennial Man. Although she was born in Indiana, her parents are South African, that alone making her part of the celebs from Africa. When she turned nine, the family moved back to Mzansi where she had to learn Afrikaans before going to school. She then graduated from a high school in Pretoria and enrolled at Rhodes where she got a degree in English. She then started her acting career in Cape Town before moving to Los Angles in 1991 to pursue it.

Ernie Els

He is best known as “The Big Easy” the golf legend is one of the many celebs from Africa. Els is ranked alongside the likes of Tiger Woods. Ernie Els was born in Joburg in 1969. He started playing golf at the tender age of 8.  At the age of 17, he won the South African Amateur Championship. In 2011, he was inducted into the Golf Hall of Fame. He dedicates most of his time to helping disadvantaged children in Mzansi learn how to play golf.